View Company / LLP Master Data and Signatory Details on MCA V3

How to check company master data from MCA V3 Website? View MCA Company Master Data V3. View MCA LLP Master Data V3. Process to check Company Master Data on MCA V3. Process to check LLP Master Data


This facility provides basic details of Company or LLP including its registration number, registered office etc.

Company Master Data

Following are the details which will be shown in this section.

  1. CIN (Corporate Idenitification Number) this is unique registration number of every Company registered with MCA. In case of LLP, LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) will be visible as its registration number.

  2. Company Name

  3. ROC (Name and Office)

  4. RD (Name and Region)

  5. Registration Number

  6. Company Category

  7. Company SubCategory

  8. Class of Company

  9. Authorised Capital

  10. Paidup Capital

  11. Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)

  12. Date of Incorporation

  13. Registered Address

  14. Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained

  15. Email Id

  16. Listed in Stock Exchange(s) (Y/N)

  17. ACTIVE compliance

  18. Suspended at stock exchange

  19. Date of last AGM

  20. Date of Balance Sheet

  21. Company Status(for efiling)

It also shows Signatory Details and Index of Charges on the same page.

LLP Master Data

Following are the details which will be shown in this section.

  1. LLPIN

  2. LLP Name

  3. Number of Partners

  4. Number of Designated Partners

  5. ROC Code

  6. Date of Incorporation

  7. Registered Address

  8. Email Id

  9. Previous Firm/company details, if applicable

  10. Total Obligation of Contribution

  11. Main division of business activitiy to be carried out in India

  12. Description of main division

  13. Date of last financial year end date for which Statement of Accounts and Solvency filed

  14. Date of last financial year end date for which Annual Return filed

  15. LLP Status

Director/Signatory Details

This facility provides details of Key Managerial Persons (including all Directors) who are authorised on behalf of Company (in case of Companies) and Designated Partners (in case of LLPs).

Following are the details which will be shown in this section.

  1. Director Identification Number of Directors and Designated Partners or PAN of other Key Managerial Persons

  2. Full Name

  3. Designation

  4. Date of Appointment

  5. Cessation Date

  6. Signatory (Yes/No)

Process to check Company / LLP Master Data and Director/Signatory Details

You will find below detailed and step-by-step process to check Company Master Data / LLP Master Data.

Last updated