Form MSME-1 - Automated Filing with MCA
How to fill up Form MSME-1 quickly from excel? How to bulk upload data to Form MSME-1?
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How to fill up Form MSME-1 quickly from excel? How to bulk upload data to Form MSME-1?
Last updated
If yes, then you are at right place. We will go step-by-step on how to do that.
Many Company Secretarial Softwares has features of uploading excel sheet and quickly download Form MSME-1 with all data filled up.
However, for those who do not have such software and need to bulk fill up data in Form MSME-1 and save time, please go through all steps below.
TextBlaze is a text-expanding software which saves our lot of time in our work. As a first step, create an account in Textblaze by clicking on this link.
Once this link opens up in Chrome, click on button "Add Text Blaze to Chrome" as shown in below link.
On the next screen after clicking on button, click on "Add to Chrome" button on next screen.
Once extension is added, it will ask you to create account in TextBlaze.
If you already have an account in TextBlaze, you can directly login.
Click on this link and install Windows App of TextBlaze by clicking on "Get it from Microsoft".
Login to Windows App of TextBlaze with your same login details (as per Step 3)
Click on below link to insert Snippet.
On next screen (below), Click on Save to save the snippet in your textblaze account.
Once Windows App of TextBlaze is installed, you need to prepare the data to be filled up in Form MSME-1. You can use following excel format to fill up the data.
If your data is less than 99 rows, then select entire dataset and type "Ctrl+C". (i.e. copy data). If data is more, then you can fill up 99 entries per form. In that case, select only 99 entries first and copy.
You can refer this video link how I have done it.
Once the Form MSME-1 is opened, mention number of entries you have selected (as shown in video).
In the table, in the first field from left side, type "/msme" and wait for few seconds. The entries will be automatically filled up.
There is possibility that few boxes may not be filled up, but that is fine. You can always fill it up manually.
If you see that the snippet is behaving or not stopping, you can simply click "Esc" to stop the run.
I hope this will be helpful to fill up the Form MSME-1 quickly.
If you have questions, please feel free to drop your query on my email.